Our Culture
omeni (third-person singular present omenește, past participle omenit) 4th conj.
to treat with hospitality, welcome; to feed or treat someone
Omeni is a community.
We are a group of friends. We like to hang out and enjoy each other’s company in any way that feels good to everyone involved
We value social accountability, and holding each other to high standards
We welcome people of all relationship, gender and kink orientations
We are accepting and welcoming to all of our members
Omeni throws play parties.
You can do anything you want at our play parties, as long as you are doing it in a mutually consensual way, that is respectful of the venue and other’s space & boundaries.
Not playing is OK too. You are welcome to enjoy the party in whatever way feels good to you
Don’t feel pressure to participate. We plan to host these events regularly. If you’re curious to try something, but feel uncertain, or you haven’t discussed that boundary with your partner(s) yet, there will be another opportunity to try it. Wait until you and your partner(s) are ready
Understand that this is a no-expectation, high possibility event. You are not guaranteed anything by attending
Only act on enthusiastic consent.
At our events, consent is binary. You either have enthusiastic consent or you do not have consent
Enthusiastic consent sounds like “Yes!” with an exclamation mark at the end
If you receive a response that is anything other than a clear and enthusiastic “yes!” we ask you to interpret that response as a no. (i.e., “Um, sure! Let me just go check in on my friend real quick…” That person may simply want to check on their friend, but it could be their way of not being comfortable saying no, and not wanting to offend.)
Don’t be afraid to say “no.”
It’s not rude; in fact, it’s vital to be clear and honest!
Practice saying “No, thank you” out loud. If you find yourself caught off-guard by a request and are not sure what to say, arm yourself with that response
If you hear “no,” don’t ask multiple times, or ask for an explanation. It’s polite to say “thanks for being clear!”
Be respectful when saying “no;” be respectful when hearing “no”
You can revoke consent at any time.
Even if you were enthusiastic and you’re just not feeling it anymore, it’s ok (and recommended) to revoke your consent
Consent is always conditional on participant’s ability to revoke their consent. (i.e. If someone is gagged, negotiate a non-verbal safe word in advance)
We want to cultivate a safe environment where people can experiment. When you push your limits, sometimes you find them and you have to take a step back. Don’t be shy to revoke your consent if you need to
Do not touch anyone without their explicit consent.
Everyone is in complete control of when, where, and if they are touched
Even if you are just touching someone on the shoulder to get their attention, try to get their attention verbally first
This sounds pedantic and excessive, but events like this are often a heightened sensory experience, and even a touch on the shoulder can feel more aggressive or intimate than intended
Even if someone said yes last time, don't assume. You should explicitly ask for their consent again before touching this time
Beyond consent, we require empathy
You are responsible for the impact you have on the people you interact with
You should care about the people you play with
Mistakes and miscommunications happen, but if you upset someone, cross a boundary, or make someone uncomfortable, you must take responsibility, validate their feelings, and empathize
If you cannot give or perceive consent, it’s too much
This takes less than you think
If the hosts think you’ve reached this point, we will pull you aside quietly and ask you to leave. You’re not in trouble, we’re keeping you safe
Everyone can have a little too much unintentionally. However, if this is a regular problem for you, you may need to take a break from our events
All events are BYOB
No phones, no photographs.
Phones and cameras must be completely out of sight in play spaces
We do not separate you from your phone, we just ask that you keep it out of sight. We take this seriously
If you need to use your phone, please use a designated non-play space
The only exception is the hosts and occasionally volunteers. We will have our phones with us for safety and communication
STDs / STIs.
You MUST know your status before attending. Knowing your status means being tested regularly and responsibly, not making assumptions
If you have an STD or STI, you must disclose this to play partners before they take a risk they are unaware of
No one will judge you here. You are among people who understand. But please keep Omeni safe
New attendees.
If you are attending your first party, you must arrive by 10pm, and you should be accompanied by a friend or date.
All attendees must have a ticket
All attendees must be approved by Omeni prior to their first event
You must be 21 or older to attend our events